So. Welcome to the blog. I am just going to present random thoughts here from time to time based off of things I am seeing pop up continually in the PE space.
Today I want to cover a topic I see coming up over and over again. Men who come forward with a broken penis (cant get erect, cant stay erect without constant stimulation, cant feel hardly anything during stimulation, feel numbness, pain, general nagging discomfort, or various symptoms that fall under the term hard flaccid) who aren’t recovering.
First thing that is almost always going on with these men is that they are highly anxious, if not totally panicking and freaking out. Its understandable. The thought of potentially having broken your dick for any period of time, or worse – for the rest of your life, is terrifying.
No one ever just comes around and is like “you know I was jelqing and felt this pain and I think I may have injured my penis, I’m not sure what to do next”
Its always more like “guys I was jelqing, and I felt a pain and instantly lost my erection, and then continued to masturbate (hoping to prove to myself that things are fine) but it hurt and I couldn’t maintain an erection, and then I stopped and my flaccid penis shriveled up and felt a loss of sensation, and then I proceeded to continue trying to stimulate erections and constantly over analyzing every aspect of my penis (texture, temp, sensation, size, shape, etc.) for days, and it isn’t getting better”
If you just sprained an ankle, would it be smart to go for a 3 mile run? Or if you hurt your back, would it be smart to go to the gym and deadlift? The obvious answer is no. It’s that simple. If you injure your penis its no different, you need to give it complete rest so it can heal and recover.
The other aspect of this is the anxiety. Anxiety alone stimulates the sympathetic nervous system which causes tissue contraction, leading to poor erection quality and/or symptoms that might fall under the umbrella of hard flaccid. Chronic anxiety is going to lead to a hyper sympathetic tone in the body. It’s a viscous cycle and you need to stop it if you want to recover.
You need to relax and remove anxious thoughts from your mind. What’s done is done. You did something bad to your penis and no amount of stressing and overanalyzing is going to undo it or make you recover faster, and certainly not instantly.
You need to come to grips with the fact that recovery is going to take time. It might only take 5 days, it might take 5 weeks, there is no knowing until you begin the recovery process, which means rest and relaxation. Find something to occupy your mind. Yoga, the gym, cardio, reading, delve into a TV series, a work project, whatever. Just don’t sit there obsessing over your penis and stressing out.
This is just the initial step towards successful recovery, you may need further steps (pelvic floor physio, cialis, maybe even medical treatments if you really damaged something) but at least start there and give your penis complete rest, and your mind relaxation.